What should I agree to share?

5 Tips For Sharing News Responsibly on Social Media | HonestReporting

Even if the point of using social media is to share things about your life, it is very important not to share too much.

Social media is a great place to make friends, but you should take care that people you meet can be trusted.

There are people who look for ways to use your data for their advantage – and the more personal the data, the worse the consequences could be. Of course, finding a balance isn’t easy. It depends on the person, what they do, what they use and how they use it.

It’s exactly the same as interacting with people in real life: you share more with the people you trust and less with the people you don’t know or trust.

As a general rule, it’s safest to treat people on the internet as complete strangers: they are not people you can completely trust immediately. With this in mind, remember to keep your personal information confidential.

What things would you feel comfortable telling a stranger in the street?

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I am learner who wish to help others who intend to learn

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